Orange Blog

By: AJDA, Jan 22, 2016

Making Predictions

One of the cool things about being a data scientist is being able to predict. That is, predict before we know the actual outcome. I am not talking about verifying your favorite classification algorithm here, and I am not talking about cross-validation or classification accuracies or AUC or anything like that. I am talking about the good old prediction. This is where our very own Predictions widget comes to help.

By: AJDA, Dec 28, 2015

Color it!

Holiday season is upon us and even the Orange team is in a festive mood. This is why we made a Color widget! This fascinating artsy widget will allow you to play with your data set in a new and exciting way. No more dull visualizations and default color schemes! Set your own colors the way YOU want it to! Care for some magical cyan-to-magenta? Or do you prefer a more festive red-to-green?

By: AJDA, Sep 11, 2015

Hubbing with the Hub widget

So you have painted two data sets and loaded another one from a file, and now you are testing predictions of logistic regression, classification trees and SVM on it? Tired of having to reconnect the Paint data widget and the File widget back and forth whenever you switch between them? Say no more! Look no further! Here is the new Hub widget! Hub widget is the most versatile widget available so far.

By: AJDA, Sep 4, 2015

Updated Widget Documentation

Happy news for all passionate Orange users! We’ve uploaded documentation for our Orange 3 widget selection. Right click and select “Help” or press F1. ** ** It’s easy to use. To learn more about a particular wigdet, click on the widget. Either use right click and select “Help” or press F1. A new window will open with a widget description and an example for its use. There are also screenshots included as visual help.

By: AJDA, Aug 28, 2015

Scatter Plot Projection Rank

One of the nicest and surely most useful visualization widgets in Orange is Scatter Plot. The widget displays a 2-D plot, where x and y-axes are two attributes from the data. 2-dimensional scatter plot visualization Orange 2.7 has a wonderful functionality called VizRank, that is now implemented also in Orange 3. Rank Projections functionality enables you to find interesting attribute pairs by scoring their average classification accuracy. Click ‘Start Evaluation’ to begin ranking.