Orange Blog

By: MARKO, Apr 5, 2018

Unfreezing Orange

Have you ever tried Orange with data big enough that some widgets ran for more than a second? Then you have seen it: Orange froze. While the widget was processing, the interface would not respond to any inputs, and there was no way to stop that widget. Not all the widgets freeze, though! Some widgets, like Test & Score, k-Means, or Image Embedding, do not block. While they are working, we are free to build other parts of the workflow, and these widgets also show their progress.

By: AJDA, Feb 23, 2017

My First Orange Widget

Recently, I took on a daunting task - programming my first widget. I’m not a programmer or a computer science grad, but I’ve been looking at Orange code for almost two years now and I thought I could handle it. I set to create a simple Concordance widget that displays word contexts in a corpus (the widget will be available in the future release). The widget turned out to be a little more complicated than I originally anticipated, but it was a great exercise in programming.