Orange Blog
By: AJDA, Nov 6, 2018
Data Mining for Anthropologists?
This weekend we were in Lisbon, Portugal, at the Why the World Needs Anthropologists conference, an event that focuses on applied anthropology, design, and how soft skills can greatly benefit the industry. I was there to hold a workshop on Data Ethnography, an approach that tries to combine methods from data science and anthropology into a fruitful interdisciplinary mix! Data Ethnography workshop at this year’s Why the World Needs Anthropologists conference.
By: AJDA, Oct 5, 2018
Orange Now Speaks 50 Languages
In the past couple of weeks we have been working hard on introducing a better language support for the Text add-on. Until recently, Orange supported only a limited number of languages, mostly English and some bigger languages, such as Spanish, German, Arabic, Russian… Language support was most evident in the list of stopwords, normalization and POS tagging. Related: Text Workshops in Ljubljana Stopwords come from NLTK library, so we can only offer whatever is available there.
By: AJDA, Sep 21, 2018
Orange in Space
Did you know that Orange has already been to space? Rosario Brunetto (IAS-Orsay, France) has been working on the analysis of infrared images of asteroid Ryugu as a member of the JAXA Hayabusa2 team. The Hayabusa2 asteroid sample-return mission aims to retrieve data and samples from the near-Earth Ryugu asteroid and analyze its composition. Hayabusa2 arrived at Ryugu on June 27 and while the spacecraft will return to Earth with a sample only in late 2020, the mission already started collecting and sending back the data.
By: AJDA, Sep 11, 2018
Text Workshops in Ljubljana
In the past month, we had two workshops that focused on text mining. The first one, Faksi v praksi, was organized by the University of Ljubljana Career Centers, where high school students learned about what we do at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science. We taught them what text mining is and how to group a collection of documents in Orange. The second one took on a more serious note, as the public sector employees joined us for the third set of workshops from the Ministry of Public Affairs.
By: ANDREJA, Aug 27, 2018
Explaining Kickstarter Success
On Kickstarter most app ideas don’t get funded. But why is that? When we are looking for possible explanations, it is easy to ascribe the failure to the type of the idea. But what about those rare cases, where an app idea gets funded? Can we figure out why a particular idea succeeded? Our new widget Explain Predictions can do just that - explain why they will succeed. Or at least, explain why the classifier thinks they will.
By: AJDA, Jul 17, 2018
Data Mining and Machine Learning for Economists
Last week Blaž, Marko and I held a week long introductory Data Mining and Machine Learning course at the Ljubljana Doctoral Summer School 2018. We got a room full of dedicated students and we embarked on a journey through standard and advanced machine learning techniques, all presented of course in Orange. We have covered a wide array of topics, from different clustering techniques (hierarchical clustering, k-means) to predictive models (logistic regression, naive Bayes, decision trees, random forests), regression and regularization, projections, text mining and image analytics.
By: AJDA, Jun 21, 2018
Girls Go Data Mining
This week we held our first Girls Go Data Mining workshop. The workshop brought together curious women and intuitively introduced them to essential data mining and machine learning concepts. Of course, we used Orange to explore visualizations, build predictive models, perform clustering and dive into text analysis. The workshop was supported by NumFocus through their small development grant initiative and we hope to repeat it next year with even more ladies attending!
By: AJDA, Jun 12, 2018
From Surveys to Orange
Today we have finished a series of workshops for the Ministry of Public Affairs. This was a year-long cooperation and we had many students asking many different questions. There was however one that we talked about a lot. If I have a survey, how do I get it into Orange? Related: Analyzing Surveys We are using EnKlik Anketa service, which is a great Slovenian product offering a wide array of options for the creation of surveys.
By: AJDA, May 30, 2018
Spectroscopy Workshop at BioSpec and How to Merge Data
Last week Marko and I visited the land of the midnight sun - Norway! We held a two-day workshop on spectroscopy data analysis in Orange at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The students from BioSpec lab were yet again incredible and we really dug deep into Orange. Related: Orange with Spectroscopy Add-on A class full of dedicated scientists. One thing we did was see how to join data from two different sources.
By: AJDA, May 15, 2018
Python Script: Managing Data on the Fly
Python Script is this mysterious widget most people don’t know how to use, even those versed in Python. Python Script is the widget that supplements Orange functionalities with (almost) everything that Python can offer. And it’s time we unveil some of its functionalities with a simple example. Example: Batch Transform the Data There might be a time when you need to apply a function to all your attributes. Say you wish to log-transform their values, as it is common in gene expression data.