Orange Blog
By: BLAZ, Nov 27, 2012
Coming soon: Orange's new interface
Orange will soon get entirely new interface. The GUI will feature new canvas and icons and new presentation of data flow. Orange will be upgraded with on-line help for widgets and tutorials. The prototype is now in testing and should replace the current version of Orange in early 2013.
By: BLAZ, Oct 23, 2012
Short history of Orange
Few weeks back we celebrated 20 years of Slovene Artificial Intelligence Society. I have much enjoyed Ivan Bratko’s talk on AI history, and his account of events as triggered by late Donald Michie. Many interesting talks followed, including highlights by Stephen Muggleton and Claude Sammut. The last talk of the event was on Orange. Janez talked about its birth, history and future prospects. You can see his presentation on videolectures and check out the paper with lecture’s notes.
By: BIOLAB, Jun 15, 2012
Computing joint entropy (in Python)
How I wrote a beautiful, general, and super fast joint entropy method (in Python). def entropy(*X): return = np.sum(-p * np.log2(p) if p > 0 else 0 for p in (np.mean(reduce(np.logical_and, (predictions == c for predictions, c in zip(X, classes)))) for classes in itertools.product(*[set(x) for x in X]))) I started with the method to compute the entropy of a single variable. Input is a numpy array with discrete values (either integers or strings).
By: BIOLAB, May 19, 2012
KDnuggets is asking if you have been using Orange lately
KDnuggets, one of leading data mining community websites, is having its yearly poll asking its visitors which analytics/data mining software they used in the past 12 months. Among listed is also Orange, our fruity visually pleasing open source pythonic data mining suite. So we are asking you, have you been using Orange lately, that is, in the past 12 months? How do you feel about telling that to the world?
By: BIOLAB, May 15, 2012
Orange GSoC: Computer vision add-on for Orange
This summer I got the chance to develop an add-on for Orange that will introduce basic computer vision functionality, as a part of Google Summer of Code. The add-on will consist of a set of widgets, each with it’s own dedicated purpose, which can be seamlessly connected to provide most commonly used image preprocessing functionality. Here is a list of the widgets: Widget for viewing image files (add description) Widget for resizing an image Widget for rotation/flipping of the image Widget for converting the color mode (RGB, HSV, Grayscale etc.
By: BIOLAB, May 6, 2012
Orange GSoC: A Fully-Featured Neural Network Library Implementation with Extension for Deep Learning
This project aims to build a neural network library based on some great existing NN libraries, notably the Flood Library, which already provides a fully functional Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) implementation. The project starts with implementing a robust, efficient feed forward neural network library, and then will extend it in significant ways that add support for state-of-the-art deep learning techniques. Additional extensions include building a PCA framework and improving existing training algorithms and error functional.
By: BIOLAB, Apr 30, 2012
Orange GSoC: Multi-Target Learning for Orange
Orange already supports multi-target classification, but the current implementation of clustering trees is written in Python. One of the five projects Orange has chosen at this year’s Google Summer of Code is the implementation of clustering trees in C. The goal of my project is to speed up the building time of clustering trees and lower their spatial complexity, especially when used in random forests. Implementation will be based on Orange’s SimpleTreeLearner and will be integrated with Orange 3.
By: BLAZ, Apr 25, 2012
Orange team wins JRS 2012 Data Mining Competition
Lead by Jure Žbontar, the team from University of Ljubljana wins over 126 other entrants in an international competition in predictive data analytics. Jure’s team consisted of several Orange developers and computer science students: Miha Zidar, Blaž Zupan, Gregor Majcen, Marinka Žitnik in Matic Potočnik. To win, the team had to predict topics for 10.000 MedLine documents that were represented with over 25.000 algorithmically derived numerical features. Given was training set of another 10.
By: BIOLAB, Apr 24, 2012
This year five students participate in Google Summer of Code
This year five students have been accepted to participate in Google Summer of Code and contribute to Orange in their summer time. Congratulations! Amela – Widgets for statistics Andrej T. – Computer vision add-on for Orange CoderWilliam – A Fully-Featured Neural Network Library Implementation Based On the Flood Library with Extension for Deep Learning Makarov Dmitry – Text mining add-on for Orange Miran Levar – Multi-Target Learning for Orange Overall, 1,212 students have been accepted this year to various open source organizations from all around the world.
By: BLAZ, Apr 9, 2012
Redesign of GUI icons
Orange GUI is being redesigned. Expect a welcome screen with selection of preloaded widget schemes, simpler access to computational components, and integration with intelligent interface (widget suggestions). For the project we have engaged a designer Peter Čuhalev. To give you a taste of what is going on, here are some icons for widget sets that are being redesigned. There are in B/W, the color will be decided on and added in later stages.