Orange Blog
By: BLAZ, Aug 11, 2017
It's Sailing Time (Again)
Every fall I teach a course on Introduction to Data Mining. And while the course is really on statistical learning and its applications, I also venture into classification trees. For several reasons. First, I can introduce information gain and with it feature scoring and ranking. Second, classification trees are one of the first machine learning approaches co-invented by engineers (Ross Quinlan) and statisticians (Leo Breiman, Jerome Friedman, Charles J. Stone, Richard A.
By: AJDA, Aug 8, 2017
Text Analysis Workshop at Digital Humanities 2017
How do you explain text mining in 3 hours? Is it even possible? Can someone be ready to build predictive models and perform clustering in a single afternoon? It seems so, especially when Orange is involved. Yesterday, on August 7, we held a 3-hour workshop on text mining and text analysis for a large crowd of esteemed researchers at Digital Humanities 2017 in Montreal, Canada. Surely, after 3 hours everyone was exhausted, both the audience and the lecturers.
By: AJDA, Aug 4, 2017
Text Analysis: New Features
As always, we’ve been working hard to bring you new functionalities and improvements. Recently, we’ve released Orange version 3.4.5 and Orange3-Text version 0.2.5. We focused on the Text add-on since we are lately holding a lot of text mining workshops. The next one will be at Digital Humanities 2017 in Montreal, QC, Canada in a couple of days and we simply could not resist introducing some sexy new features_._ Related: Text Preprocessing
By: AJDA, Jul 28, 2017
Support Orange Developers
Do you love Orange? Do you think it is the best thing since sliced bread? Want to thank all the developers for their hard work? Nothing says thank you like a fresh supply of ice cream and now you can help us stock our fridge with your generous donations. 🍦🍦🍦 Donate Support open source software and the team behind Orange. We promise to squander all your contributions purely on ice cream.
By: AJDA, Jul 14, 2017
Miniconda Installer
Orange has a new friend! It’s Miniconda, Anaconda’s little sister. For a long time, the idea was to utilize the friendly nature of Miniconda to install Orange dependencies, which often misbehaved on some platforms. Miniconda provides Orange with Python 3.6 and conda installer, which is then used to handle everything Orange needs for proper functioning. So sssssss-mooth! Miniconda Installer Please know that our Miniconda installer is in a beta state, but we are inviting adventurous testers to try it and report any bugs they find to our issue tracker [there won’t be any of course!
By: AJDA, Jun 19, 2017
Text Preprocessing
In data mining, preprocessing is key. And in text mining, it is the key and the door. In other words, it’s the most vital step in the analysis. Related: Text Mining add-on So what does preprocessing do? Let’s have a look at an example. Place Corpus widget from Text add-on on the canvas. Open it and load Grimm-tales-selected. As always, first have a quick glance of the data in Corpus Viewer.
By: AJDA, Jun 9, 2017
Workshop: Text Analysis for Social Scientists
Yesterday was no ordinary day at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana - there was an unusually high proportion of Social Sciences students, researchers and other professionals in our classrooms. It was all because of a Text Analysis for Social Scientists workshop. Related: Data Mining for Political Scientists Text mining is becoming a popular method across sciences and it was time to showcase what it (and Orange) can do.
By: AJDA, Jun 5, 2017
One more exciting visualization has been introduced to Orange - a Nomogram. In general, nomograms are graphical devices that can approximate the calculation of some function. A Nomogram widget in Orange visualizes Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes classification models, and compute the class probabilities given a set of attributes values. In the nomogram, we can check how changing of the attribute values affect the class probabilities, and since the widget (like widgets in Orange) is interactive, we can do this on the fly.
By: BLAZ, Apr 25, 2017
Outliers in Traffic Signs
Say I am given a collection of images of traffic signs, and would like to find which signs stick out. That is, which traffic signs look substantially different from the others. I would assume that the traffic signs are not equally important and that some were designed to be noted before the others. I have assembled a small set of regulatory and warning traffic signs and stored the references to their images in a traffic-signs-w.
By: AJDA, Apr 7, 2017
Model replaces Classify and Regression
Did you recently wonder where did Classification Tree go? Or what happened to Majority? Orange 3.4.0 introduced a new widget category, Model, which now contains all supervised learning algorithms in one place and replaces the separate Classify and Regression categories. This, however, was not a mere cosmetic change to the widget hierarchy. We wanted to simplify the interface for new users and make finding an appropriate learning algorithm easier. Moreover, now you can reuse some workflows on different data sets, say housing.