Orange Blog

By: BIOLAB, May 29, 2014

Orange and SQL

Orange 3.0 will also support working with data stored in a database. While we have already talked about this some time ago, we here describe some technical details for anybody interested. This is not a thorough tecnical report, its purpose is only to provide an impression about the architecture of the upcoming version of Orange. So, data tables in Orange 3.0 can refer to data in the working memory or in the database.

Categories: orange3

By: BIOLAB, Sep 2, 2013

Orange and AXLE project

Our group at University of Ljubljana is a partner in the EU 7FP project Advanced Analytics for Extremely Large European Databases (AXLE). The project is particularly interesting because of the diverse partners that cover the entire vertical, from studying hardware architectures that would better support extremely large databases (University of Manchester, Barcelona Supercomputing Center) to making the necessary adjustments related to speed and security of databases (2ndQuadrant) to data analytics (our group) to handling and analyzing real data and decision making (Portavita).

By: BIOLAB, Jun 15, 2012

Computing joint entropy (in Python)

How I wrote a beautiful, general, and super fast joint entropy method (in Python). def entropy(*X): return = np.sum(-p * np.log2(p) if p > 0 else 0 for p in (np.mean(reduce(np.logical_and, (predictions == c for predictions, c in zip(X, classes)))) for classes in itertools.product(*[set(x) for x in X]))) I started with the method to compute the entropy of a single variable. Input is a numpy array with discrete values (either integers or strings).

Categories: orange3 python

By: BIOLAB, May 19, 2012

KDnuggets is asking if you have been using Orange lately

KDnuggets, one of leading data mining community websites, is having its yearly poll asking its visitors which analytics/data mining software they used in the past 12 months. Among listed is also Orange, our fruity visually pleasing open source pythonic data mining suite. So we are asking you, have you been using Orange lately, that is, in the past 12 months? How do you feel about telling that to the world?

Categories: orange3

By: BIOLAB, Sep 4, 2011

Orange badges are here!

Orange badges are here! They come in two flavors. Tasty!

Categories: orange3

By: BIOLAB, Jun 24, 2011

Orange T-shirts

If you maybe missed on our Facebook page: we have made our own fruity t-shirts. They are simply awesome and show to everybody around you that you have a taste! Just check the handsomeness: We will be selling them on the website soon for $15 (shipping costs included), but if you want to have one (or more) in advance, drop us a line and we will see what we can do.

Categories: orange3