Orange Blog

By: IRGOLIC, Nov 22, 2018

Orange is Getting Smarter

In the past few months, Orange has been getting smarter and sleeker. Since version 3.15.0, Orange remembers which distinct widgets users like to connect, adjusting the sorting on the widget search menu accordingly. Additionally, there is a new look for the Edit Links window coming soon. Orange recently implemented a basic form of opt-in usage tracking, specifically targeting how users add widgets to the canvas. Word cloud of widget popularity in Orange.

By: ANDREJA, Aug 27, 2018

Explaining Kickstarter Success

On Kickstarter most app ideas don’t get funded. But why is that? When we are looking for possible explanations, it is easy to ascribe the failure to the type of the idea. But what about those rare cases, where an app idea gets funded? Can we figure out why a particular idea succeeded? Our new widget Explain Predictions can do just that - explain why they will succeed. Or at least, explain why the classifier thinks they will.

By: AJDA, Jun 12, 2018

From Surveys to Orange

Today we have finished a series of workshops for the Ministry of Public Affairs. This was a year-long cooperation and we had many students asking many different questions. There was however one that we talked about a lot. If I have a survey, how do I get it into Orange? Related: Analyzing Surveys We are using EnKlik Anketa service, which is a great Slovenian product offering a wide array of options for the creation of surveys.

By: AJDA, May 15, 2018

Python Script: Managing Data on the Fly

Python Script is this mysterious widget most people don’t know how to use, even those versed in Python. Python Script is the widget that supplements Orange functionalities with (almost) everything that Python can offer. And it’s time we unveil some of its functionalities with a simple example. Example: Batch Transform the Data There might be a time when you need to apply a function to all your attributes. Say you wish to log-transform their values, as it is common in gene expression data.

By: AJDA, May 9, 2018

Clustering of Monet and Manet

Ever had a hard time telling the difference between Claude Monet and Édouard Manet? Orange can help you cluster these two authors and even more, discover which of Monet’s masterpiece is indeed very similar to Manet’s! Use Image Analytics add-on and play with it. Here’s how:

By: MARKO, Apr 5, 2018

Unfreezing Orange

Have you ever tried Orange with data big enough that some widgets ran for more than a second? Then you have seen it: Orange froze. While the widget was processing, the interface would not respond to any inputs, and there was no way to stop that widget. Not all the widgets freeze, though! Some widgets, like Test & Score, k-Means, or Image Embedding, do not block. While they are working, we are free to build other parts of the workflow, and these widgets also show their progress.

By: BLAZ, Mar 5, 2018

Single cell analytics workshop at HHMI | Janelia

HHMI | Janelia is one of the prettiest researcher campuses I have ever visited. Located in Ashburn, VA, about 20 minutes from Washington Dulles airport, it is conveniently located yet, in a way, secluded from the buzz of the capital. We adored the guest house with a view of the lake, tasty Janelia-style breakfast (hash-browns with two eggs and sausage, plus a bagel with cream cheese) in the on-campus pub, beautifully-designed interiors to foster collaborations and interactions, and late-evening discussions in the in-house pub.

Categories: orange3

By: BLAZ, Nov 8, 2017

Orange in Kolkata, India

We have just completed the hands-on course on data science at one the most famous Indian educational institutions, Indian Statistical Institute. A one week course was invited by Institute’s director Prof. Dr. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, and financially supported by the founding of India’s Global Initiative of Academic Networks. Indian Statistical Institute lies in the hearth of old Kolkata. A peaceful oasis of picturesque campus with mango orchards and waterlily lakes was founded by Prof.

By: AJDA, Nov 3, 2017

Neural Network is Back!

We know you’ve missed it. We’ve been getting many requests to bring back Neural Network widget, but we also had many reservations about it. Neural networks are powerful and great, but to do them right is not straight-forward. And to do them right in the context of a GUI-based visual programming tool like Orange is a twisted double helix of a roller coaster. Do we make each layer a widget and then stack them?

By: AJDA, Oct 26, 2017

Analyzing Surveys

Our streak of workshops continues. This time we taught professionals from public administration how they can leverage data analytics and machine learning to retrieve interesting information from surveys. Thanks to the Ministry of Public Administration, this is only the first in a line of workshops on data science we are preparing for public sector employees. For this purpose, we have designed EnKlik Anketa widget, which you can find in Prototypes add-on.