Orange Blog

By: BIOLAB, Sep 2, 2013

Orange and AXLE project

Our group at University of Ljubljana is a partner in the EU 7FP project Advanced Analytics for Extremely Large European Databases (AXLE). The project is particularly interesting because of the diverse partners that cover the entire vertical, from studying hardware architectures that would better support extremely large databases (University of Manchester, Barcelona Supercomputing Center) to making the necessary adjustments related to speed and security of databases (2ndQuadrant) to data analytics (our group) to handling and analyzing real data and decision making (Portavita).

By: BLAZ, Oct 23, 2012

Short history of Orange

Few weeks back we celebrated 20 years of Slovene Artificial Intelligence Society. I have much enjoyed Ivan Bratko’s talk on AI history, and his account of events as triggered by late Donald Michie. Many interesting talks followed, including highlights by Stephen Muggleton and Claude Sammut. The last talk of the event was on Orange. Janez talked about its birth, history and future prospects. You can see his presentation on videolectures and check out the paper with lecture’s notes.

Categories: future history