Orange Blog
By: AJDA, Sep 23, 2016
Text Mining: version 0.2.0
Orange3-Text has just recently been polished, updated and enhanced! Our GSoC student Alexey has helped us greatly to achieve another milestone in Orange development and release the latest 0.2.0 version of our text mining add-on. The new release, which is already available on PyPi, includes Wikipedia and SimHash widgets and a rehaul of Bag of Words, Topic Modeling and Corpus Viewer. Wikipedia widget allows retrieving sources from Wikipedia API and can handle multiple queries.
By: AJDA, Jul 29, 2016
Pythagorean Trees and Forests
Classification Trees are great, but how about when they overgrow even your 27’’ screen? Can we make the tree fit snugly onto the screen and still tell the whole story? Well, yes we can. Pythagorean Tree widget will show you the same information as Classification Tree, but way more concisely. Pythagorean Trees represent nodes with squares whose size is proportionate to the number of covered training instances. Once the data is split into two subsets, the corresponding new squares form a right triangle on top of the parent square.
By: AJDA, Jul 18, 2016
Network Analysis with Orange
Visualizing relations between data instances can tell us a lot about our data. Let’s see how this works in Orange. We have a data set on machine learning and data mining conferences and journals, with the number of shared authors for each publication venue reported. We can estimate similarity between two conferences using the author profile of a conference: two conference would be similar if they attract the same authors. The data set is already 9 years old, but obviously, it’s about the principle.
By: AJDA, Jul 5, 2016
Rehaul of Text Mining Add-On
Google Summer of Code is progressing nicely and some major improvements are already live! Our students have been working hard and today we’re thanking Alexey for his work on Text Mining add-on. Two major tasks before the midterms were to introduce Twitter widget and rehaul Preprocess Text. Twitter widget was designed to be a part of our summer school program and it worked beautifully. We’ve introduced youngsters to the world of data mining through social networks and one of the most exciting things was to see whether we can predict the author from the tweet content.
By: AJDA, Jun 10, 2016
Scripting with Time Variable
It’s always fun to play around with data. And since Orange can, as of a few months ago, read temporal data, we decided to parse some data we had and put it into Orange. TimeVariable is an extended class of continuous variable and it works with properly formated ISO standard datetime (Y-M-D h:m:s). Oftentimes our original data is not in the right format and needs to be edited first, so Orange can read it.
By: AJDA, Apr 25, 2016
Association Rules in Orange
Orange is welcoming back one of its more exciting add-ons: Associate! Association rules can help the user quickly and simply discover the underlying relationships and connections between data instances. Yeah! The add-on currently has two widgets: one for Association Rules and the other for Frequent Itemsets. With Frequent Itemsets we first check frequency of items and itemsets in our transaction matrix. This tell us which items (products) and itemsets are the most frequent in our data, so it would make a lot of sense focusing on these products.
By: AJDA, Mar 23, 2016
All I See is Silhouette
Silhouette plot is such a nice method for visually assessing cluster quality and the degree of cluster membership that we simply couldn’t wait to get it into Orange3. And now we did. What this visualization displays is the average distance between instances within the cluster and instances in the nearest cluster. For a given data instance, the silhouette close to 1 indicates that the data instance is close to the center of the cluster.
By: BLAZ, Mar 12, 2016
Overfitting and Regularization
A week ago I used Orange to explain the effects of regularization. This was the second lecture in the Data Mining class, the first one was on linear regression. My introduction to the benefits of regularization used a simple data set with a single input attribute and a continuous class. I drew a data set in Orange, and then used Polynomial Regression widget (from Prototypes add-on) to plot the linear fit.
By: AJDA, Jan 22, 2016
Making Predictions
One of the cool things about being a data scientist is being able to predict. That is, predict before we know the actual outcome. I am not talking about verifying your favorite classification algorithm here, and I am not talking about cross-validation or classification accuracies or AUC or anything like that. I am talking about the good old prediction. This is where our very own Predictions widget comes to help.
By: AJDA, Jan 4, 2016
Orange YouTube Tutorials
It’s been a long time coming, but finally we’ve created out our first set of YouTube tutorials. In a series ‘Getting Started with Orange’ we will walk through our software step-by-step. You will learn how to create a workflow, load your data in different formats, visualize and explore the data. These tutorials are meant for complete beginners in both Orange and data mining and come with some handy tricks that will make using Orange very easy.