Orange Blog
By: BLAZ, Nov 8, 2017
Orange in Kolkata, India
We have just completed the hands-on course on data science at one the most famous Indian educational institutions, Indian Statistical Institute. A one week course was invited by Institute’s director Prof. Dr. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, and financially supported by the founding of India’s Global Initiative of Academic Networks. Indian Statistical Institute lies in the hearth of old Kolkata. A peaceful oasis of picturesque campus with mango orchards and waterlily lakes was founded by Prof.
By: AJDA, Aug 8, 2017
Text Analysis Workshop at Digital Humanities 2017
How do you explain text mining in 3 hours? Is it even possible? Can someone be ready to build predictive models and perform clustering in a single afternoon? It seems so, especially when Orange is involved. Yesterday, on August 7, we held a 3-hour workshop on text mining and text analysis for a large crowd of esteemed researchers at Digital Humanities 2017 in Montreal, Canada. Surely, after 3 hours everyone was exhausted, both the audience and the lecturers.
By: AJDA, Jun 9, 2017
Workshop: Text Analysis for Social Scientists
Yesterday was no ordinary day at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana - there was an unusually high proportion of Social Sciences students, researchers and other professionals in our classrooms. It was all because of a Text Analysis for Social Scientists workshop. Related: Data Mining for Political Scientists Text mining is becoming a popular method across sciences and it was time to showcase what it (and Orange) can do.
By: BLAZ, Mar 6, 2017
Orange Workshops: Luxembourg, Pavia, Ljubljana
February was a month of Orange workshops. Ljubljana: Biologists We (Tomaž, Martin and I) have started in Ljubljana with a hands-on course for the COST Action FA1405 Systems Biology Training School. This was a four hour workshop with an introduction to classification and clustering, and then with application of machine learning to analysis of gene expression data on a plant called Arabidopsis. The organization of this course has even inspired us for a creation of a new widget GOMapMan Ontology that was added to Bioinformatics add-on.
By: AJDA, Dec 16, 2016
BDTN 2016 Workshop: Introduction to Data Science
Every year BEST Ljubljana organizes BEST Days of Technology and Sciences, an event hosting a broad variety of workshops, hackathons and lectures for the students of natural sciences and technology. Introduction to Data Science, organized by our own Laboratory for Bioinformatics, was this year one of them. Related: Intro to Data Mining for Life Scientists The task was to teach and explain basic data mining concepts and techniques in four hours.
By: AJDA, Nov 30, 2016
Data Mining for Political Scientists
Being a political scientist, I did not even hear about data mining before I’ve joined Biolab. And naturally, as with all good things, data mining started to grow on me. Give me some data, connect a bunch of widgets and see the magic happen! But hold on! There are still many social scientists out there who haven’t yet heard about the wonderful world of data mining, text mining and machine learning.
By: AJDA, Nov 25, 2016
Celebrity Lookalike or How to Make Students Love Machine Learning
Recently we’ve been participating at Days of Computer Science, organized by the Museum of Post and Telecommunications and the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The project brought together pupils and students from around the country and hopefully showed them what computer science is mostly about. Most children would think programming is just typing lines of code. But it’s more than that. It’s a way of thinking, a way to solve problems creatively and efficiently.
By: BLAZ, Nov 2, 2016
Orange at Eurostat's Big Data Workshop
A Eurostat’s Big Data Workshop recently took place in Ljubljana. In a presentation we have showcased Orange as a tool to teach data science. The meeting was organised by Statistical Office of Slovenia and by Eurostat, a Statistical Office of the European Union, and was a primary gathering of representatives from national statistical institutes joined within European Statistical System. The meeting discussed possibilities that big data offers to modern statistics and the role it could play in statistical offices around the world.
By: AJDA, Oct 17, 2016
10 Tips and Tricks for Using Orange
TIP #1: Follow tutorials and example workflows to get started. It’s difficult to start using new software. Where does one start, especially a total novice in data mining? For this exact reason we’ve prepared Getting Started With Orange - YouTube tutorials for complete beginners. Example workflows on the other hand can be accessed via Help - Examples. TIP #2: Make use of Orange documentation. You can access it in three ways:
By: BLAZ, Oct 2, 2016
Intro to Data Mining for Life Scientists
RNA Club Munich has organized Molecular Life of Stem Cells Conference in Ljubljana this past Thursday, Friday and Saturday. They asked us to organize a four-hour workshop on data mining. And here we were: four of us, Ajda, Anze, Marko and myself (Blaz) run a workshop for 25 students with molecular biology and biochemistry background. We have covered some basic data visualization, modeling (classification) and model scoring, hierarchical clustering and data projection, and finished with a touch of deep-learning by diving into image analysis by deep learning-based embedding.