Orange Blog

By: Blaž Zupan, Jul 25, 2019

Orange at ISMB/ECCB 2019

Our entry to this year’s largest bioinformatics conference was on the training of single-cell data analytics. We claim that with Orange and its new single-cell RNA analysis add-on, one can assemble a workshop to teach essential concepts from single-cell analytics in a single day. \ Single-cell genomics is driven on revolutionary technology from molecular biology that allows us to peek into inner workings of the individual cell. Single-cell datasets feature thousands of genes and cells and benefit from the analysis that integrates this data with other knowledge sources, like those on the classification of genes, lists of pathways, and sets of cell-type markers.

By: Dr. Sven Bingert & Steffen Rörtgen, Jul 2, 2019

Data Science Made Easy: How To Identify Hate Comments with AI

How to teach text mining and data science to the 9th grade students in 60 minutes? With Orange and the analysis of hate speech on social media, of course!

By: Ajda Pretnar, Jun 28, 2019

Orange at 32nd Bled eConference

We held a short workshop covering the basics of Data Science for the participants of the 32nd Bled eConference. We focused on predictive modeling and explorations of predictions.

By: AJDA, Nov 6, 2018

Data Mining for Anthropologists?

This weekend we were in Lisbon, Portugal, at the Why the World Needs Anthropologists conference, an event that focuses on applied anthropology, design, and how soft skills can greatly benefit the industry. I was there to hold a workshop on Data Ethnography, an approach that tries to combine methods from data science and anthropology into a fruitful interdisciplinary mix! Data Ethnography workshop at this year’s Why the World Needs Anthropologists conference.

By: AJDA, Jul 17, 2018

Data Mining and Machine Learning for Economists

Last week Blaž, Marko and I held a week long introductory Data Mining and Machine Learning course at the Ljubljana Doctoral Summer School 2018. We got a room full of dedicated students and we embarked on a journey through standard and advanced machine learning techniques, all presented of course in Orange. We have covered a wide array of topics, from different clustering techniques (hierarchical clustering, k-means) to predictive models (logistic regression, naive Bayes, decision trees, random forests), regression and regularization, projections, text mining and image analytics.

By: AJDA, Jun 21, 2018

Girls Go Data Mining

This week we held our first Girls Go Data Mining workshop. The workshop brought together curious women and intuitively introduced them to essential data mining and machine learning concepts. Of course, we used Orange to explore visualizations, build predictive models, perform clustering and dive into text analysis. The workshop was supported by NumFocus through their small development grant initiative and we hope to repeat it next year with even more ladies attending!

By: AJDA, May 30, 2018

Spectroscopy Workshop at BioSpec and How to Merge Data

Last week Marko and I visited the land of the midnight sun - Norway! We held a two-day workshop on spectroscopy data analysis in Orange at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The students from BioSpec lab were yet again incredible and we really dug deep into Orange. Related: Orange with Spectroscopy Add-on A class full of dedicated scientists. One thing we did was see how to join data from two different sources.

By: AJDA, May 3, 2018

Data Mining Course at Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Janez and I have recently returned from a two-week stay in Moscow, Russian Federation, where we were teaching data mining to MA students of Applied Statistics. This is a new Master’s course that attracts the best students from different backgrounds and teaches them statistical methods for work in the industry. It was a real pleasure working at HSE. The students were proactive by asking questions and really challenged us to do our best.

By: AJDA, Mar 28, 2018

Orange with Spectroscopy Add-on Workshop

We have just concluded our enhanced Introduction to Data Science workshop, which included several workflows for spectroscopy analysis. Spectroscopy add-on is intended for the analysis of spectral data and it is just as fun as our other add-ons (if not more!). We will prove it with a simple classification workflow. First, install Spectroscopy add-on from Options - Add-ons menu in Orange. Restart Orange for the add-on to appear. Great, you are ready for some spectral analysis!

By: AJDA, Nov 29, 2017

How to Properly Test Models

On Monday we finished the second part of the workshop for the Statistical Office of Republic of Slovenia. The crowd was tough - these guys knew their numbers and asked many challenging questions. And we loved it! One thing we discussed was how to properly test your model. Ok, we know never to test on the same data you’ve built your model with, but even training and testing on separate data is sometimes not enough.