Orange Blog

By: Anja Mejač, Janez Demšar, May 26, 2023

Pumice challenge

One thousand Slovenian students took part in a data mining challenge

Categories: education

By: Blaž Zupan, Nov 25, 2022

Videos on hierarchical clustering

Six new videos explaining hierarchical clustering in Orange are now online on YouTube.

Categories: education

By: Blaž Zupan, Jun 16, 2022

Ideas and Notes for Teachers

We are crafting free educational material to help in data science training.

Categories: education

By: Ajda Pretnar Žagar, Feb 1, 2022

Machine Learning Jargon

Data scientists have a specific language. Learn about what certain terms mean and become more confident in your data science speak!

By: Ajda Pretnar, Jan 14, 2022

Orange in Classroom, pt. 2

Orange is being used inside and outside the classroom, by professors and students in over 300 universities around the world.

By: Blaž Zupan, Mar 5, 2021

Hands-On Training About Overfitting

PLOS Computation Biology has just published our paper on training about overfitting.

By: Ajda Pretnar, Jan 11, 2021

Orange in Classroom

Orange is actively used in classrooms at over two hundred universities from around the world.

By: Blaž Zupan, Feb 8, 2020

Orange Lecture Notes

Lecture notes for Orange workshops on machine learning and data science are now available online.

Categories: education workshop

By: Janez Demšar, Sep 28, 2019

On Expected Vomiting Time

A report of an interesting ending to a lecture about setting probability thresholds for predictive models

By: Ajda Pretnar, Jul 26, 2019

Doctoral Summer School

For the second year in a row we took part in the Ljubljana Doctoral Summer School, organized by the School of Economics and Business.