Orange Blog

By: BIOLAB, Sep 13, 2011

Debian packages support multiple Python versions now

We have created Debian packages for multiple Python versions. This means that they work now with both Python 2.6 and 2.7 out of the box, or if you compile them manually, with any (supported) version you have installed on your (Debian-based) system. Practically, this means that now you can install them without manual compiling on current Debian and Ubuntu systems. Give it a try, add our Debian package repository, apt-get install python-orange for Orange library/modules and/or orange-canvas for GUI.

Categories: debian packaging python

By: BIOLAB, Jun 30, 2011

Debian packages for Squeeze

We have updated our daily Debian packages to Squeeze (current Debian stable). You just have to reconfigure our package repository in your /etc/apt/sources.list to: deb squeeze main deb-src squeeze main Those packages are compiled for Python 2.6. You can read more about Debian packages in our old blog post.

By: BIOLAB, Mar 4, 2010

Debian repository lives!

We have made still-experimental-but-probably-working Debian repository with daily built Orange packages. Currently without add-ons. To get access to those packages just add those two lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list (this file contains a list of repositories with packages): deb lenny main deb-src lenny main And then you can install Orange with this command: aptitude update aptitude install orange-svn Packages are not signed as they are made automatically so you will probably be warned about this.