Orange Blog

By: MARINKAZ, Jun 8, 2015

Data Fusion Tutorial at the [BC]^2

We are excited to host a three-hour tutorial on data fusion at the Basel Computational Biology Conference. To this end we have prepared a series of short lectures notes that accompany the recently developed Data Fusion Add-on for Orange. We design the tutorial for data mining researchers and molecular biologists with interest in large-scale data integration. In the tutorial we focus on collective latent factor models, a popular class of approaches for data fusion.

By: AJDA, Jun 5, 2015

Data Fusion Add-on for Orange

Orange is about to get even more exciting! We have created a prototype add-on for data fusion, which will certainly be of interest to many users. Data fusion brings large heterogeneous data sets together to create sensible clusters of related data instances and provides a platform for predictive modelling and recommendation systems. This widget set can be used either to recommend you the next movie to watch based on your demographic characteristics, movies you gave high scores to, your preferred genre, etc.