Orange Blog

By: Ajda Pretnar, Sep 17, 2021

Semantic Analysis of Documents

How to use Text add-on to extract keywords from documents, score documents on keywords, and display semantic content in a map.

By: Ajda Pretnar, Sep 15, 2021

New in Orange: Support for CONLL-U files

Orange can now work with CONLL-U files, including its lemmas, POS tags, and named entities.

By: Primož Godec and Nikola Đukić, Oct 15, 2020

How to identify fake news with document embeddings

Presenting document embeddings widget and how to identify fake news.

By: Ajda Pretnar, Jul 27, 2020

Detecting Story Arcs with Orange

How to detect sentiment, plot story arcs and analyze the key segments in a corpus.