Orange Blog

By: BIOLAB, Aug 26, 2014

Orange Canvas applied to x-ray optics

Orange Canvas is being appropriated by guys who would like to use it as graphical environment for simulating x-ray optics. Manuel Sanchez del Rio, from The European Synchrotron Facility in Grenoble, France, and Luca Rebuffi from Elettra-Sincrotrone, Trieste, Italy, were looking for a tool that would help them integrate the various tools for x-ray optics simulations, like the popular SHADOW and SRW. They discovered that the data workflow paradigm, like the one used in Orange Canvas, fits their needs perfectly.

Categories: computervision

By: BIOLAB, May 15, 2012

Orange GSoC: Computer vision add-on for Orange

This summer I got the chance to develop an add-on for Orange that will introduce basic computer vision functionality, as a part of Google Summer of Code. The add-on will consist of a set of widgets, each with it’s own dedicated purpose, which can be seamlessly connected to provide most commonly used image preprocessing functionality. Here is a list of the widgets: Widget for viewing image files (add description) Widget for resizing an image Widget for rotation/flipping of the image Widget for converting the color mode (RGB, HSV, Grayscale etc.

Categories: computervision gsoc