Orange Blog

By: BLAZ, Oct 2, 2016

Intro to Data Mining for Life Scientists

RNA Club Munich has organized Molecular Life of Stem Cells Conference in Ljubljana this past Thursday, Friday and Saturday. They asked us to organize a four-hour workshop on data mining. And here we were: four of us, Ajda, Anze, Marko and myself (Blaz) run a workshop for 25 students with molecular biology and biochemistry background. We have covered some basic data visualization, modeling (classification) and model scoring, hierarchical clustering and data projection, and finished with a touch of deep-learning by diving into image analysis by deep learning-based embedding.

By: AJDA, Jul 31, 2015

Datasets in Orange Bioinformatics Add-On

As you might know, Orange comes with several basic widget sets pre-installed. These allow you to upload and explore the data, visualize them, learn from them and make predictions. However, there are also some exciting add-ons available for installation. One of these is a bioinformatics add-on, which is our specialty. Bioinformatics widget set allows you to pursue complex analysis of gene expression by providing access to several external libraries. There are four widgets intended specifically for this - dictyExpress, GEO Data Sets, PIPAx and GenExpress.

By: MARKO, Aug 3, 2011

Orange at ISMB/ECCB 2011

We presented the Orange Bioinformatics add-on at the ISMB/ECCB conference in Vienna, a joined event covering both 19th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and 10th European Conference on Computational Biology. We were giving out Orange stickers (with the URL) to the poster’s visitors. There was some interest; in the end we gave out about 10 of them, mostly to biologists, who were excited to perform some of the analysis themselves.