Orange Blog
By: AJDA, Jul 31, 2015
Datasets in Orange Bioinformatics Add-On
As you might know, Orange comes with several basic widget sets pre-installed. These allow you to upload and explore the data, visualize them, learn from them and make predictions. However, there are also some exciting add-ons available for installation. One of these is a bioinformatics add-on, which is our specialty. Bioinformatics widget set allows you to pursue complex analysis of gene expression by providing access to several external libraries. There are four widgets intended specifically for this - dictyExpress, GEO Data Sets, PIPAx and GenExpress.
By: AJDA, Jul 24, 2015
Visualizing Misclassifications
In data mining classification is one of the key methods for making predictions and gaining important information from our data. We would, for example, use classification for predicting which patients are likely to have the disease based on a given set of symptoms. In Orange an easy way to classify your data is to select several classification widgets (e.g. Naive Bayes, Classification Tree and Linear Regression), compare the prediction quality of each learner with Test Learners and Confusion Matrix and then use the best performing classifier on a new data set for classification.
By: AJDA, Jul 20, 2015
Explorative data analysis with Hierarchical Clustering
Today we will write about cluster analysis with Hierarchical Clustering widget. We use a well-known Iris data set, which contains 150 Iris flowers, each belonging to one of the three species (setosa, versicolor and virginica). To an untrained eye the three species are very alike, so how could we best tell them apart? The data set contains measurements of sepal and petal dimensions (width and length) and we assume that these gives rise to interesting clustering.
By: BIOLAB, Jul 29, 2011
NetworkX in Orange
NetworkX – a popular open-source python library for network analysis has finally found its way into Orange. It is now used as a base class for network representation in all Orange modules and widgets. By that, we offered to the widespread network community a fruitful and fun way to visualize and explore networks, using their existing NetworkX scripts. It has never been easier to combine network analysis and visualization with existing machine learning and data discovery methods.