Version 3.3.1 - Updates and Features

By: AJDA, Apr 1, 2016

About a week ago we issued an updated stable release of Orange, version 3.3.1. We’ve introduced some new functionalities and improved a few old ones.

Here’s what’s new in this release:

  • New widgets: Distance Matrix for visualizing distance measures in a matrix, Distance Transformation for normalization and inversion of distance matrix, Save Distance Matrix and Distance File for saving and loading distances. Last week we also mentioned a really amazing Silhouette Plot, which helps you visually assess cluster quality.

  • Orange can now read datetime variables in its Time Variable format.

  • Rank outputs scores for each scoring method.

  • Report function had been added to Linear Regression, Univariate Regression, Stochastic Gradient Descent and Distance Transformation widgets.

  • FCBF algorithm has been added to Rank for feature scoring and ReliefF now supports missing target values.

  • Graphs in Classification Tree Viewer can be saved in .dot format.

You can view the entire changelog here. :) Enjoy the improvements!