JMLR Publishes Article on Orange

By: BLAZ, Oct 3, 2013

Journal of Machine Learning Research has just published our paper on Orange. In the paper we focus on its Python scripting part. We have last reported on Orange scripting at ECML/PKDD 2004. The manuscript was well received (over 270 citations on Google Scholar), but it is now entirely outdated. This was also our only formal publication on Orange scripting. With publication in JMLR this is now a current description of Orange and will be, for a while :-), Orange’s primary reference.

Here’s a reference:

Demšar, J., Curk, T., & Erjavec, A. et al. Orange: Data Mining Toolbox in Python; Journal of Machine Learning Research 14(Aug):2349−2353, 2013.

and bibtex entry:

  author  = {Janez Dem\v{s}ar and Toma\v{z} Curk and Ale\v{s} Erjavec and
             \v{C}rt Gorup and Toma\v{z} Ho\v{c}evar and Mitar Milutinovi\v{c} and
             Martin Mo\v{z}ina and Matija Polajnar andMarko Toplak and  
             An\v{z}e Stari\v{c} and Miha \v{S}tajdohar and Lan Umek and 
             Lan \v{Z}agar and Jure \v{Z}bontar and Marinka \v{Z}itnik and
             Bla\v{z} Zupan},
  title   = {Orange: Data Mining Toolbox in Python},
  journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research},
  year    = {2013},
  volume  = {14},
  pages   = {2349-2353},
  url     = {}